Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Mother's Legacy

(Originally posted June 18, 2007)
when i was really young and had to use the washroom in a public place, mom showed me how to put toilet paper on the seats so that you don't get other people's bum germs. then i got a bit older but mom would still remind me to put toilet paper on the seat. in the beginning, i hated it. i was pretty much a tomboy as a kid and i hated that girls always took longer to pee than guys - when our family went on road trips, dad and adam ALWAYS finished first. i used to see how fast i could get out of the washroom, but they were always done before me. i thought putting toilet paper down was dumb. it wasted precious time, and besides - who cared if you got other people's bum germs? in my little child mind, i reasoned that it wasn't really germ-free to begin with (i had recently learned the phrase "so clean you could eat off of it" (usually referring to floors) and this always went through my head as i grumbled about putting the toilet paper on the seat: it's not like i was going to eat off of it so why did other people's germs matter?) ah how things change when you get older. ignorance really is bliss.
despite all my grumbling, i would still dutifully put toilet paper on the seat whenever i was in a public washroom. then i grew up and got married and moved away from home. and i was out shopping with phil the other day and had to use one of the washrooms in the mall. i was putting toilet paper on the seat (to avoid other people's bum germs) when it hit me: no one was telling me to, but it's something i learned and had come to believe very strongly in.
when you're in a public washroom, put toilet paper on the seat before you use it. that's the legacy my mom passed to me, and if i ever have a daughter, i will pass it on to her.

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