Friday, December 7, 2007

The evolution of interior decorating

As I go about my daily activities, I find that I notice and admire other people's houses and apartments. My place is nice, but I find myself wanting someplace a bit bigger so that I can have a real bed with a pretty bedspread and two bedside tables with lamps and alarm clocks and books to read before going to sleep. Maybe even a journal with a nice pen. And a front hall so I can have a little table with a runner and a vase of flowers. And a dining room that I can paint and wallpaper.

Right now, we have a lot of Ikea furniture. That's not a bad thing, but I notice it's a very young thing. And the more I see of other people's houses, the more I wonder: how do people learn how to decorate their houses? You can almost tell a person's age just by looking at their house. Do we just naturally evolve as we gain life experience? When you're very young, you put posters all over your bedroom wall. Then you get your own place and you buy very basic furniture. I know tons of people my age with Ikea houses - every room fully furnished by Ikea (well, those of us who are lucky enough to live near an Ikea) and then I know many people older than me with no Ikea furniture whatsoever.

Since I haven't reached that point yet, I ask you: at what point do you make the transition from particle board furniture you assemble yourself to solid wood and varnish? Maybe it's just something you grow into (or out of), like craving fruit as a snack (or no longer wanting chocolate bars for supper). It's just something that occurred to me and has piqued my interest. I'm looking forward to owning real furniture and a real house and having different colored rooms and pictures on the walls. I guess growing up can be fun :)